A collection of plastic-free products on display.

Plastic-Free July: 7 Simple Steps Towards A More Sustainable Future

It’s Plastic-Free July! This global movement encourages individuals and businesses to reduce their plastic consumption and find alternative solutions for a more sustainable lifestyle. You don’t have to go completely plastic-free to make a difference. Small changes in your daily habits add up to make a big impact. Let’s explore seven practical tips to help you go plastic-free and foster a greener future.

1. B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bag)

Always carry reusable shopping bags whenever you head to the grocery store. Keep a stash in your car or by the front door to ensure you never forget them. Opt for durable bags made from natural materials like cotton, hemp, or jute, which are both reusable and biodegradable.

2. Ditch single-use plastic water bottles.

Invest in a reusable water bottle and make it a habit to carry it with you wherever you go. Stainless steel or glass options are durable and eco-friendly. We have a water dispenser located near the stairs where you can refill your personal water bottle.

3. Explore plastic-free food storage alternatives.

Swap out plastic food storage containers for glass jars or stainless steel containers. These options are durable, non-toxic, and can be reused indefinitely. Use beeswax wraps or silicone food covers to replace plastic wrap or aluminum foil when storing leftovers or wrapping food items.

4. Say "No" to plastic straws.

“It’s only one straw,” said 8 billion people. Skip the plastic straw when ordering beverages at restaurants or cafes. If you prefer using a straw, carry a reusable one made from stainless steel, bamboo, or silicone.

5. Choose plastic-free personal care products.

Switch to plastic-free alternatives for personal care items like toothbrushes, razors, and cotton swabs. Look for bamboo toothbrushes, safety razors with replaceable blades, and biodegradable cotton swabs. Opt for solid shampoo and conditioner bars packaged in paper or compostable materials instead of plastic bottles. Our Wellness department features many products that are plastic-free!

6. Shop mindfully in bulk.

Purchase bulk items to minimize packaging waste. Bring your own reusable containers or cloth bags to fill with nuts, grains, spices, and other pantry staples. Explore the bulk section at the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op for a wide range of package-free options.

7. Rethink food packaging.

Look for products with minimal or plastic-free packaging. Choose loose fruits and vegetables over pre-packaged ones. Consider making your own snacks or meals at home to reduce reliance on pre-packaged convenience foods, which often come in plastic wrappers or containers.

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