
A farmer planting herbs at Soil Born Farms

Round Up at the Register — Soil Born Farms

September is Farm to Fork month and we’re kicking it off by featuring our Round Up at the Register recipient, Soil Born Farms! We feel such a sense of pride in our strong relationship because we have supported them in their growth since the beginning. Farmers Shawn Harrison and Marco Franciosa began their small for-profit urban farm on Hurley Way in 2000. In 2002, Co-op’s Marketing Manager at the time, Janet Whalen Zeller joined their team as a co-director to support their shared vision. In 2004, the three founders transformed the farm into a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

Farmers walking through the farm field at Soil Born.
A field of sunflowers at Soil Born Farm

The farm is now located on the American River Ranch, a 55-acre historic ranch located within the American River Parkway in Rancho Cordova. The Co-op has always developed strong relationships with small farms and educated our community on the importance of knowing where our food comes from, but this particular relationship has been a next-level partnership!

A farmer carrying a tray of freshly picked fruit through a field.

Soil Born’s mission is to create an urban agriculture and education project that empowers youth and adults to discover and participate in a local food system that encourages healthy living, nurtures the environment and grows a sustainable community. Soil Born Farms offers a rich education program focused on experiential learning in the natural world and in the kitchen for youth and adults. Activities include classes, hands-on workshops, tours, job training and youth leadership development.

Over the years, the Co-op has been able to offer so many opportunities for our customers, staff and members to have life-changing farm experiences that they wouldn’t have had without this special relationship. Just last Saturday, our first Annual Meeting was held at the American River Ranch on Soil Born’s annual Fall Garden Clinic and Plant Sale. Each month, our produce staff volunteers on the farm to have hands-on experiences to gain an understanding of how the food that they stock gets planted, grows, gets harvested and transported. They learn so much from these experiences and can share them with our customers. If you’re interested in volunteering at Soil Born Farms, save the date for a community volunteer opportunity on October 6th.

In the meantime, you can round up your change at our registers to support the efforts of Soil Born Farms during the month of September! Check out Soil Born Farms’ upcoming classes and events here.

Soil Born Farms logo

Soil Born Farms American River Ranch
2140 Chase Dr, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

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