
Strawberries sliced and arranged with flowers for a colorful display.

It’s In Season — Strawberries

Tasting the first strawberry in spring from JSM Organics can be an experience felt throughout the entire body. It can catch you off guard and change your definition of the word “delicious”. The same can be said for tomato season and stone fruit season…which are fast approaching!!

An employee from the Co-op planting starts in a field at Soil Born Farms.

50 Years of Strengthening our Food System

When Bernadette Brogden took the role of Produce Manager of our Co-op in July of 2021, they were excited to continue the legacy of cooperation with the farmers we work with. Bernadette has taken that spirit of cooperation to the next level by meeting with farmers to help plan the crops they’ll grow based on what our customers will want.

A colorful variety of flowers tightly bunched together.

News from the Farm — Full Belly

During Women’s History month, we will be highlighting stories told by women who inspire us. Our first story comes from Dru Rivers, one of the owners of Full Belly Farm, and it tells how their Flower Team has grown over the years and the challenges they have faced recently during the harsh winter.

This story first appeared in the Full Belly Beet, their weekly newsletter which features information on what’s in season and what’s happening around the farm. Farm newsletters are a great way to stay informed and connect directly to the people who are doing the hard work of growing our food!

March 1965, John Lewis and other civil rights leaders lead the march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge

John Lewis: Chronology of his Co-op Chapter

John Lewis, an icon of the Civil Rights Movement, died at 80-years-old on July 17, 2020. He will be remembered for a lifetime of commitment for fighting for the poor and minorities, as well as for his dedication to the American Civil Rights Movement. David Thompson shares another historical perspective.

Frederick Douglass. The original co-op store at 31 Toad Lane, Rochdale, England in 1844.

Frederick Douglass & Co-ops in 1846

The linking of Frederick Douglass, John Bright, Rochdale, and the first modern co-op began in 1846. The link between cooperatives and the campaigns against slavery, and for civil rights continues strongly to this very day and for eons to come. David Thompson shares this piece of history with us in our latest blog post.

A housing zoning map from Philadelphia.

Racial Redlining Fought by Postwar Interracial Co-ops

The history of racial redlining is pretty bleak. In this story, David Thompson shares some of that history and how cooperatives worked to help overcome those challenges. There is clearly much work still to be done and the cooperative model can still be an important tool to help to address these issues.